You packed for that desired vacation and you’re ready to go! But don’t forget that travel insurance is a must!
If you’re anything like us, you get ready for a major vacation like this: You overpack, discover your luggage won’t close, and then begin unpacking. The second jacket, the shirt, and the diving gear are unnecessary. However, there is one item that you must bring: travel insurance.
Many question themselves, “Is travel insurance worth it?” after considering the extra cost. The majority of the time, the response is an immediate yes.
In this article, we will outline together why travel insurance is a must and why everybody should consider it!

1. The flight was delayed or you lost your checked baggage
One of the main reasons why travel insurance is a must is to protect your budget in case the airline cancels the flight or if they lose your checked luggage. And in the past year, there was a whole scandal about lost luggage!
Since many leisure tourists double as business travelers, misplacing luggage might result in forgetting formal dress for a significant meeting, which won’t be good! You would have to pay for a new suit or other suitable clothing out of pocket and lose out on rewards that may partially cover that expense if you didn’t have travel insurance.
Your personal belongings are also covered by baggage insurance, so you may claim if your bag is taken. It is important to note that baggage insurance only covers the depreciated worth of your possessions, not the cost of replacing them with new ones. Certain goods are subject to exclusions and limitations.
Certain travel insurance policies also provide coverage for delayed luggage. When you’re waiting for your luggage to arrive, this coverage might help cover the cost of necessities like clothing and toiletries. It should be noted that there is a waiting period before receiving reimbursements for luggage delays. Depending on the insurance policy, some offer up to $500 for all the necessary toiletries in case your luggage is delayed by more than 10 hours straight.
2. Medical emergencies are usually costly overseas!
Let’s consider this hypothetical situation: A truck crashes into your rental car while you’re on a driving vacation to a certain city in Belgium, breaking your leg and causing other severe injuries. You muster up the courage to take out your health insurance card as soon as you go to the hospital. The employees only shake their heads and can’t help you because your medical insurance isn’t available there.
Treatment will require upfront payment, and your medical expenses will quickly reach the tens of thousands. The cost of a medical evacuation may reach $200,000 or higher, depending on the nation you are in and the distance to the closest hospital.
Why do we say that travel insurance is a must? If you have emergency medical benefits added to your travel insurance, it can cover losses resulting from approved dental and medical crises that happen while you’re away.
Emergency medical transportation benefits may cover transportation to the nearest suitable medical institution or returning home after a covered illness or accident.
3. Someone from your family recently died
Another important reason why travel insurance is a must is when, in the eventuality of a bad event, in this case, the death of a relative or someone close to you, you can’t travel anymore. If something like this happens, you might be able to postpone or cancel your vacation if you have trip cancellation coverage. In most cases, you can receive a full refund for both plane tickets and accommodations, depending on the insurance company and contract.
4. Travel insurance is a must! says the U.S. Department of State
What should you do right away in an emergency when traveling abroad? The majority of American tourists who contact their local American embassy in search of assistance are frequently let down to learn that the staff members have restricted authority. What a bummer!
They can help you find a stolen ID or passport and connect you with other sources or your family in case of an emergency. However, with all the help they can offer, there is one thing they can’t do: pay for your medical care in case something bad happens during your travel.
That’s why travel insurance is a must, preferably with emergency medical coverage, emergency medical transportation benefits, and coverage for other unforeseen costs, including trip cancellations and misplaced or stolen luggage.
5. Unexpected situations like natural phenomena
Another reason why travel is a must is because of unexpected natural phenomena like hurricanes or floods. Imagine going to that particular destination you’ve been dreaming about for quite some time now, but after two days of non-stop rain, half of the city is flooded and the airport is closed, keeping you from leaving the country.
To avoid losing money on all those guided side trips you’re planning to have and even the plane tickets, buy a travel insurance policy. It might be a tad expensive, but trust us when we say it’s worth it!
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6. Emergency evacuation
When something like we mentioned above can happen to you, local authorities try to save as many as possible. But the transport from one damaged city to another is usually paid for by you. Helicopter transport might set you back thousands of dollars if you need to be transported to a hospital or evacuated from a dangerous area. If you have travel insurance, certain expenses could be covered by it.
However, there are some things that, even though travel insurance is a must, won’t be covered, and some of them are:
Activities that involve drinking or drug use
The majority of travel insurance policies do not cover mishaps or injuries brought on by drug use or drunkenness. Your vacation medical insurance will not pay for your medical expenses if you fall into the street after having a few beers while on a pedal-powered beer bike tour.
Additionally, don’t expect to successfully claim if your money is taken while you are taking advantage of a resort’s all-inclusive beverage advantages. So, be moderate with alcoholic drinks!
Pre-existing medical conditions you already know about
If your asthma starts to act up on your trip and you don’t have a pre-existing medical condition exclusion waiver, guess what? You may not be covered by your travel medical insurance.
When you file a claim to be reimbursed for hospital bills, the travel insurance company may look at your medical records.
If it discovers a history of your medical issue within the “look-back period” (which could be 60, 90, or 180 days before you bought the policy), your claim may be denied. If you have a waiver in place, you can be reimbursed for X-rays, lab work, medicine, hospital, and doctor bills—up to the limits in your policy—if your condition flares up while you’re on your trip.
Are you thinking about the next vacation? Besides getting that travel insurance that’s mostly mandatory, take a look at this article that will help you get cheaper flights across the USA. Safe travels!