You Should Buy from Thrift Stores More Often!
Do you remember those bumper stickers that read “I brake for yard sales”? Well, some of us would do that for thrift stores. Over the past three decades, we’ve been thrift-shopping all over the Midwest, Northeast, and all the way from Los Angeles to Seattle.
Luckily, some of us are a bit too picky to be just hoarders. We buy only what we need or what we think we can sell for profit online. And even if every secondhand store has its own perks, there is still a standard set of items we’re always looking for when we want to thrift something. Here are a couple of things that you should always get from thrift stores.

Jeans are, without a doubt, the best bargain in any thrift store out there. For example, where I live, high-quality used jeans sell for less than $20 and sometimes even less than $10. And even if they might seem high for “pre-loved” denim, you should still consider this: the average retail price for women’s jeans was $165 back in pre-inflationary 2018.
And if you think all thrift store jeans are junk, then you should think again. There are plenty of high-quality clothes in thrift stores if you know what to look for.
Tools are the ideal go-to item at any thrift store and something that’s always worth buying at estate sales. We’re not even talking about circular saws and welding torches, just about basic tools everyone should have.
And since much of what gets donated is older, it’s also easier to find used tools that are well-made and that have proven time and time again their worth when it comes to dedicated service. You can look for genuine made-in-America stuff like your parents and grandparents had.
Moreover, you shouldn’t let a little surface rust discourage you. With the slightest TLC, the wide majority of tools can go for another generation or two.
Totes, trays, and baskets
Of course, we can say that Amazon has plenty of products to buy if you want to decorate your home. However, why pay retail? Canvas totes are always on display in any thrift store out there. They are extremely handy for stowing items in the trunk of the car, packing for an overnight trip, and shopping at garage sales and flea markets.
Moreover, trays and baskets are other go-to storage items. Trays are ideal for displaying cologne, organizing TV remotes, and even storing craft supplies. You can use baskets to efficiently store pet gear, pantry items, and bath towels.
Holiday decorations
When you pay less for holiday decorations, you will have more money to spend on gifts. Over the years, we made a habit out of collecting decorations, and now we have a beautiful collection of Christmas tree ornaments.
They are all purchased at thrift shops for only 50 cents apiece. And every year, you can find brand-new holiday greeting cards for only a dollar or two. But considering all this, why would you stop there?
Thrift stores also sell artificial trees, tree skirts, wreaths, and wrapping paper. And best of all, when you decide to buy from charity-related shops, you are also helping to fund worthy causes. That’s honestly a great idea for every season of the year!
Arts and crafts supplies
Thrift stores have limitless options for artists and crafters. Besides old canvases that you can easily paint over, you should also look for vintage photographs, wallpaper samples, fabric, yarn, pottery, and silverware.
And with a bit of inspiration, almost everything in a thrift shop can be reimagined and repurposed. Since the raw materials are quite inexpensive, you can easily let your creative spirit run wild.
If you do the same, we should shout loud and proud that we buy all our dishes from thrift stores. Why wouldn’t we? It’s true that nothing really matches in the strictest sense, but it’s still part of the fun.
Creative designers know how to make something out of setting tables with highly curated mismatched sets of dinnerware. You can also copy a great look for pennies at a thrift store. Are you curious to know how?
You first need to choose a main color family (whether it’s classic whites and creams, for instance) and an accent color (like navy blue). Then, just let your creativity take over, and buy all the interesting pieces that fit within your designated palette.
Each plate, bowl, cup, and saucer will be different, but somehow, you will see that they work together quite nicely. And when a cup breaks, just pick up a used unique replacement.

If you’re not a big perfume person, then you shouldn’t worry about spending a ton of money on it. You can easily find a bottle of Burberry or Dior hidden somewhere in the crowd of Avon’s and Charlie’s in any thrift store.
Trust me, it happens more often than you think. The biggest department stores donate perfume testers. And do you want to know the best part? Plenty of thrift shops aren’t familiar with high-end fragrance brands, and they will sell them for $3 or $4 apiece.
Unique items
If you’re looking for unique stuff, then there’s no better place than a thrift store. Kids pinch pots with the wildest glazes possible, threadbare silk rugs, and a stack of beautiful black and white snapshots, these are all one-of-a-kind items that make our homes impressively unique.
And they can all be found in thrift stores. As a general rule, thrift stores are loaded with humble and handmade things that people can’t keep in their houses anymore. When you see something you truly like, don’t hesitate to take it.
If you would rather read books the old-fashioned way (I know I do), then you have to check out your local thrift store. It’s the ideal place to find contemporary titles and all sorts of out-of-print editions for a fraction of the price they once had. Thrift shops in or near college towns generally have better book selections. And at the end of every school year, the selection increases exponentially!
Vases and old jars
I really prefer keeping a healthy supply of antique vases and glass jars on hand. After all, a simple and tasteful bouquet of flowers and greenery from any local grocery store can make your day. Vintage vases usually sell for $1 to $3 at the wide majority of thrift stores. Moreover, old canning jars are cheaper. I once bought five blue-green Atlas jars for only $2.
Cloth napkins
I think it’s time to redefine the practicality of cloth napkins for everyday use. After all, they’re multifunctional: they eliminate the need for disposable napkins (which is quite the win for your budget and for the environment, too), and they are very easy to keep clean.
All you have to do is choose the colors that can safely be washed with your other linens. The wide majority of thrift shops sell napkins in bundles. You should expect to pay a dollar or two for a set of four.
Packing and shipping materials
Before, I used to frequent Carton Service, which is an out-of-the-way warehouse that sells surplus packing, shipping, and moving supplies. It’s basically a secondhand store with a single product line, a real lifesaver for any resale business, or for people who like to move things around a lot.
Even if every city isn’t lucky enough to have a similar business, plenty of thrift stores started to sell used bubble wrap, padded envelopes, all kinds of labels, and other supplies.
If you’re decided to try thrifting this weekend, here’s a beautiful set of cute bags that you should get to keep you company!
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