6 Sneaky Ways Stores Make You Spend More Money

Have you ever felt like stores make you spend more money than you wanted?

Everyone wants your money, whether it’s the small store in your neighborhood, the grocery store you like to get your food or house supplies from, or a clothing boutique with the prettiest items on display.

Stores have many ways to make you spend more money than you plan, and sometimes we unknowingly let them. How often have you gone shopping with a list but left with far more than you intended to buy? Discover the sneaky tactics stores use and learn how to stick to your shopping list!

You probably want to spend less and get more, so we’re here to help you. As we’ve already said, there are many ways stores make you spend more money than you want, and we know all the tricks they use. If you want to take your shopping power back and not be tricked into buying everything they serve you, keep reading:

stores make you spend more money
Photo by LIttlebuff from Shutterstock

1. Different offers

I used to be a s*cker for offers, but that stopped when I realized they were only there to make me spend more on things I didn’t even need in the first place. For instance, many people concentrate on the “50% off” portion of the “buy one, get one 50% off” deals and overlook the fact that the first item is still priced at retail. If that specific product wasn’t on your list in the first place, you end up spending more than you wanted.

It’s hard to say no to a tempting offer, but would you rather spend money just because something’s discounted instead of holding on to your cash and using it for something you need? Just a little food for thought. It took me a while to realize this, but it’s an important thing.

…This is only the beginning! There are many ways stores make you spend more money, so keep reading!

2. Bulk buying deals

There are many ways stores make you spend more money, and bulk buying deals are one of the surefire ways to get your dollars. You see a cluster of delicious fruity yogurts priced at $10, so you quickly put them into your cart, thinking of what a great deal you found.

However, according to money-saving experts, this is merely another ploy by retailers to increase your purchases. Even if they didn’t need the item in the first place, customers would stock up when they saw the 10 for $10 deal as a better deal. Moreover, it’s not always the best price per unit during these deals, so make sure you compare it with store brands and rival brands to get the best offer possible.

stores make you spend more money
Photo by ViDI Studio from shutterstock.com

3. Placing expensive items at eye level

Every single one of the things we discuss today has been tested countless times, so you can be certain they work. Speaking of ways stores make you spend more money, another effective method is placing expensive items at eye level.

They know you’ll be looking around, and it’s easier to grab something you immediately see rather than bend and stretch to other shelves. Stores won’t let this thing go to waste, so they will put the most expensive products at your eye level.

With that being said if you’re looking for something more budget-friendly and even of the same quality, you might want to bend down and look at the bottom of the shelf.

4. Big shopping carts

If you want to save money and only get the things you need, stick to a smaller cart. Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you, but the grocery store you go to does. When you see a huge cart with only a couple of items in it, you’re more likely to think that you didn’t get enough for the week, so you might shop around some more. That’s the main reason why retailers supersize their carts: to make you fill them up with things you don’t need.

stores make you spend more money
Photo by Echo G from Shutterstock

5. Tricky fitting rooms

We take a break from the grocery stores for a moment here because we have something important to discuss. You’ve probably had at least one of these happy experiences during the shopping sprees you’ve taken over the years: you went into the dressing room, and everything you tried on was exquisite. You were so content with how everything looked, only to come home, try the same items again, and see you look nothing like before. A complete disaster, right? Well, we know why.

Retailers want to make people buy more clothes, so they use distorted mirrors to make you look slimmer. People are more likely to buy something if it makes them look thinner and better, so retailers use everything to their advantage. But that’s not all. They will also tilt the mirror to give off the impression that you look taller and leaner, and they will also dim the lights to make you look tanned and more toned. These simple ways to alter your appearance will make you lose money, so pay attention.

6. Multiple price tiers

Retailers that provide discounts at different price points—$5 off $15, $25 off $75, or $50 off $150, for instance—allow customers to save the same amount no matter how much they spend. Don’t be fooled by this trick, and take a couple of seconds to calculate the percentage of savings. Is it true, or is it just a trick? If you don’t need that item or if the savings aren’t considerable, only purchase the items you had originally planned to get.

While many grocery stores offer bags for free, others are more likely to charge you, so take your own cart with you and save money. It will also give your arms a rest since you won’t have to carry all those bags. Check out this useful cart here!

Did you find this article interesting? Did you know about these ways stores make you spend more money? Do you know any other tricks they use? How do you avoid them? Let’s discuss this in the comments! If you liked this article and want to check out something else from our website, here’s a good post for you: 4 Reasons Women Need More Money Than Men in Retirement

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